Shamanic Practicioner Thu, 07 Nov 2019 23:48:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Take a Power Animal to Work Thu, 07 Nov 2019 23:14:22 +0000

Is there a situation at work where you could use greater clarity or a different perspective? If so, you can call on your power animal to help you.

 A Power Animal can empower you when you have challenging situations in meetings, interviews, or projects.

So What is a Power Animal?

A power animal is a spirit helper in animal form.

It may come to you in a dream, in physical form, through shamanic journeying or be revealed by a shamanic practitioner.

You may have one or many power animals. There is no hierarchy in the realm of power animals. The power animal is the essence of the power of that animal.

How Can a Power Animal Help You?

Your power animal shows up to help YOU; to advise, empower, protect, offer healing and/or to play with you. It’s up to you to discover your connection, and then to participate in the relationship with your Power Animal. Like a trusted friend, your power animal can help you in times of stress, confusion, and difficult interactions at work.

Singing, dancing, poetry and artwork about your power animal will bring deep satisfaction and remind you of your connection. Of course, this connection is not just to the helping spirit, but to all of life. I use my rattle to honor and thank my power animals for their presence in my life.

Pictures, statues, photos will help you to remember your connection.

I like to remember and give thanks to my power animals each morning.

How Do You Discover Your Power Animal?

Sometimes a power animal shows up in real life. For example, one time I was on my way to a shamanic gathering, driving on a country road, and saw a Golden Eagle rise up right in front of us. It felt so auspicious!

You also can use shamanic journeying to find your power animal yourself. Journeying is a wonderful way to find out how you and your power animal will work together. See website for introductory classes.

Would You Like Guidance in Discovering Your Power Animal?

You could attend one of my classes/workshops, where I guide you in a journey  to your meet Power Animal. Click here to see a list of current workshops in Northern California.

You could also make an appointment for a 90-minute Soul Retrieval or Shamanic Healing session. You can start with a free 20-minute Discovery Session to learn more about Shamanic Healing.

Click here to schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Session or a 90-minute Shamanic Healing Session.
